So, I haven't blogged in nearly 2 weeks...not for lack of things I could write about, but mostly because I simply haven't had the words for some reason. I think you could say I have had some "writer's block". I've never claimed to be an amazing writer by any means, the fact that anyone reads my blog is remarkable to me because I lead a very uninteresting life. I write things that are interesting to me, and try to run this blog like a journal so that I'm recording things that matter to me, but don't make much of an effort to make them interesting for everyone else. I don't include videos, or photos...there isn't a ton of humor or fanciful writing.
So I'm going to share a few things about the latest Palfrey...our baby girl Lauryn...and if anyone finds even an ounce of joy, humor, delight, or even just a smidge of interest, then fabulous! Since 99% of my life involves the people I live with, then that is where my interest lies, and therein lies 99% of my blog topics :D.
Our baby Lauryn started crawling!! She's my latest crawler starting at 7.5 months of age...and I'm hoping that her "delayed" (delayed merely being relative to my other children of course - and delayed most definitely be a good thing!) physical abilities will continue into walking, running, climbing, jumping, falling out windows, etc. She is such a happy baby, she just oozes joy from every pore. When she is being fed her baby food...she is just a wiggly mess! She is SOOO excited about the food she just loses all control and kicks and wiggles and bounces...she scrunches up her nose and snorts and laughs and smiles uncontrollably! It makes it difficult to get the food INTO her mouth...but it's a lot of fun at feeding time. When she wakes up from her naps she is the same way...giggly, wiggly, scrunchy faced, edible ball of chubby cuteness. She is such a joyous addition to our family...so far. Many of you might remember Noah being the same happy baby...very mild and observant of all his surroundings...then one day...he became....A BOY!!! AHHHHH!!!! But there is hope for Lauryn, because she will never one day become a boy...she is most definitely a girl...and how does the saying go? "Thank heaven for little girls". Our decision to have Lauryn was one of the biggest decisions we ever made...took 3 visits to the temple seeking confirmation (which I pretty well got on the FIRST visit) to feel comfortable enough to do what we felt the Lord wanted for our family. The pregnancy started out great, everything was normal, and with 4 weeks left, after several doctor and hospital visits due to some concerns, the doctor put me on bedrest. Boy was I grateful for that to be over...sounds glamourous at first...but it gets old within 48 hours. I think the first words out of my mouth when Lauryn was born (AFTER I was over the shock of having ANOTHER girl) was,"I'm so grateful we had her". And now that she's here, like it is for all us mothers...life before them is soon forgotten, and things begin to feel like they were always here, always a part of our family. Confirmation of all things spiritual, that all good things come from God. I see evidence of my Heavenly Father in many things on a daily basis...but nothing is quite as convincing as our children, wouldn't you agree?
So I'm going to share a few things about the latest Palfrey...our baby girl Lauryn...and if anyone finds even an ounce of joy, humor, delight, or even just a smidge of interest, then fabulous! Since 99% of my life involves the people I live with, then that is where my interest lies, and therein lies 99% of my blog topics :D.
Our baby Lauryn started crawling!! She's my latest crawler starting at 7.5 months of age...and I'm hoping that her "delayed" (delayed merely being relative to my other children of course - and delayed most definitely be a good thing!) physical abilities will continue into walking, running, climbing, jumping, falling out windows, etc. She is such a happy baby, she just oozes joy from every pore. When she is being fed her baby food...she is just a wiggly mess! She is SOOO excited about the food she just loses all control and kicks and wiggles and bounces...she scrunches up her nose and snorts and laughs and smiles uncontrollably! It makes it difficult to get the food INTO her mouth...but it's a lot of fun at feeding time. When she wakes up from her naps she is the same way...giggly, wiggly, scrunchy faced, edible ball of chubby cuteness. She is such a joyous addition to our family...so far. Many of you might remember Noah being the same happy baby...very mild and observant of all his surroundings...then one day...he became....A BOY!!! AHHHHH!!!! But there is hope for Lauryn, because she will never one day become a boy...she is most definitely a girl...and how does the saying go? "Thank heaven for little girls". Our decision to have Lauryn was one of the biggest decisions we ever made...took 3 visits to the temple seeking confirmation (which I pretty well got on the FIRST visit) to feel comfortable enough to do what we felt the Lord wanted for our family. The pregnancy started out great, everything was normal, and with 4 weeks left, after several doctor and hospital visits due to some concerns, the doctor put me on bedrest. Boy was I grateful for that to be over...sounds glamourous at first...but it gets old within 48 hours. I think the first words out of my mouth when Lauryn was born (AFTER I was over the shock of having ANOTHER girl) was,"I'm so grateful we had her". And now that she's here, like it is for all us mothers...life before them is soon forgotten, and things begin to feel like they were always here, always a part of our family. Confirmation of all things spiritual, that all good things come from God. I see evidence of my Heavenly Father in many things on a daily basis...but nothing is quite as convincing as our children, wouldn't you agree?
a true post. you may not claim to be a writer, but for me to fall in love with Lauryn because of YOUR love for her and your description of such--
that's true talent.
Writing from the heart ALWAYS interests me.
Thanks Debbi! I'm glad you got that out of my post, because I'm a rambler...I wouldn't blame you if you just read the beginning, the end and skipped everything in the middle, haha.
A wonderful post. Lauryn is such a sweetheart. I agree you never remember the before life after you have them. That unconditional love is truly amazing.
How I miss your humor Angie! I love you and miss you!
OHHHH DEBBIE JO!! I miss you TOO! I was JUST telling Marcy the other day (do you even know Marcy? well she's my dear dear friend who also commented on my blog post) about the time you got pooped on at school by a seagull! Oh dear, that was hilarious.
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